I would say confidence is an aura; it’s like a perfume that everyone perceives when you walk in. While some people are naturally very confident, others have to work hard to get there. Self-confidence is a sense of belief or trust one has in their abilities and skills. It is important because it directly influences …
Life can get stressful, but remember, your well-being is your number one priority. It’s important to create time to relax and rejuvenate.we are all different and we prefer different relaxation techniques. Here are some soothing activities to relief stress: Read a captivating book. Book can help calm your mind it allows you to escape from your own reality …

Adulting -The struggle; Some lesson I learned.
I remember when I was younger I put on my mum’s heels and her lipstick because I just wanted to grow up. I wanted to experience what it felt like to be able to make my own decisions, put on makeup, dress up and even be able to eat more than one meat in my …

How To Cope With Having A Busy Life
I’m sure we’ve all experienced the hassle of a busy life. The stress, the breakdown, sometimes the regrets, and asking yourself “why did I choose to do this?”. It can be very frustrating for sure. I know it may sound absurd if I tell you that regardless of the stress, you can always find ways …

7 New Year Mindset
Let’s reflect! How was last year? Were you able to accomplish the goals you set for yourself? Do you feel like you could have done a better job? Did you make plans that didn’t pull through? Maybe because of finances, a change of heart, or lack of motivation? I guess it didn’t go perfectly for …

Feeling Sick? How To Feel Better.
You know that feeling of not wanting to do anything, feeling down, the loss of appetite, moodiness and the eagerness of wanting to get better? Yeah, that’s the sick feeling. You just don’t feel like yourself most of the time and so all you want to do is just lie down and rest even though sometimes …

How To Deal With Feeling Overwhelmed
Adulting can be really overwhelming and trying to keep up with school, work, paying bills, family and friends drama, etc can be hard sometimes. The fact that we constantly have to figure all this out can be emotionally draining. It can be difficult to juggle all of your responsibilities at the same time. Our usual …

How To Enjoy The Present Moment
These past weeks I have learned from a dear friend that the best way to live long, enjoy what you do, and get the best out of it is to always have a positive mindset and find fun in what you do. When you’re happy it’s easier to enjoy the moment and even joke about …

How To Break The Habit Of Laziness
Are you finding it hard to focus and be productive? keep reading… We all have days when we are too lazy and don’t feel like doing anything. It could be a result of a lack of passion for your job, stress, overwhelming activities, and even an underlying medical condition. All these factors can interfere with …

Benefits of Resting: How Resting Can Boost Your Productivity.
Have you ever been so busy with work, school or other activities that you never had time to rest? how did you feel? Recent research has shown that that people perform better at work and in life if they practice strategic renewal. When you are tired and worn out, you are more prone to getting …