Are you finding it hard to focus and be productive? keep reading…
We all have days when we are too lazy and don’t feel like doing anything.
It could be a result of a lack of passion for your job, stress, overwhelming activities, and even an underlying medical condition. All these factors can interfere with your zeal to get things done.
Today, we will be discussing how to overcome laziness and be more productive.
Listed below are a few ways you can break the habit of laziness.
1. Figure out the root of the problem:
What exactly is the cause of your laziness? Why have you lost your motivation? You might be feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It might also be due to consumption of an unhealthy meals, lack of sleep, fear of failure, or you just feel uninspired and stuck.
Figure out what these issues are and whatever is holding you back, do your best to root them out. Once you find out the root cause of your problem, you find a way to solve it. Once you address these issues, you become more productive and feel fulfilled.
2. Build a habit and be consistent with it.
To build a habit Commit to doing something daily for thirty days, stay consistent with it, and just like Seinfeld told software developer Brad Isaac, for every day you get your job done, you can put a big ‘X’ over that day on the calendar. After a few days, you will create a pattern. Be committed to it and be consistent so as not to break the pattern.
Remember to start simple and set reminders if need be.

3. Find an accountability partner.
“Accountability breeds response-ability.” — Stephen Covey
Accountability basically means the willingness to take responsibility or to account for your actions
HeartlySerious suggests finding a partner to hold you accountable for your lazy behavior.
4. Don’t be too hard on yourself
We all want to be perfect and we want our job to reflect perfection. The rate of perfectionism gradually rising and its beginning to affect people psychologically. It’s also led to an increase in depression and anxiety.
A study done in 2017 study looked at college students between 1989 and 2016 found that the rate of perfectionism is rising. In the study, researchers also noted that young people are now facing competitive environments, unrealistic expectations, controlling parents more than previous generations.
Another smaller study of college students concluded that expecting perfection was related to avoidant coping, which causes you to avoid dealing with stressors. You have to understand that most times you might not be able to reach the goal you set in your head.
No one wants to fail but we have to learn to understand that sometimes there is lessons failure so learn the lesson and aim for success.

5. Have a plan on how you will get things done
Having a plan makes it easier to get things done. It also helps to keep you accountable. Figure out how much time, effort, finances and other factors that will be required for you to achieve theses set goals.
For me, I usually exaggerated it in my head, for example it it’s supposed to take 1 hour I plan 2 hours. Although I plan to finish early but this extra time is set just incase of any glitches on the way. Having a plan will give you direction and confidence that whatever you set your mind to do is achievable.
6. Avoid distraction
If you must agree with me, in this modern day and age the distraction is gradually increasing. New CareerBuilder did a Survey which revealed that most common and greatest distractions are our gadgets, the internet, social media and email. These decreases our productivity.
Find ways to make your distractions less accessible. This can be fixed by scheduling lunch and break times, monitoring how much time you spend surfing the Internet. It could also mean finding a quiet place to work, like the library or an empty room, or using an app to block sites that make you scroll mindlessly when you should be busy being productive.

Healthy Habits that will help you stop being lazy include:
- Resting and sleeping
- learning some stress management tips
- Staying hydrated
- Quit smoking
- Cutting down on your alcohol intake
- Exercising/ staying active.
- Eating Balance Diet
- Being intentional about not being lazy.