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Boosting self confidence

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boosting Self Confidence

I grew up feeling less of myself😔. I felt like I was not up to standard and that made me see myself less than I was. I needed people’s opinion to rate my life. I posted pictures, people said I was beautiful but to me, I didn’t know what they were talking about because my confidence level was less than it was supposed to be. I saw so many flaws in my self. I felt so imperfect, to the extent that I could not pass by when there is a gathering of a group of people.

Confidence is something that has to be worked on. I always saw people talk in public and I said to myself “that cannot be me”. But I realized that if I actually wanted to attain the height and get to the point I wanted to, I really needed to work on my self. I am not there yet but I am surely not where I used to be. Yours might not be exactly like mine but whatever it is that makes you feel less confident in your self it’ s time to work on it!!! It’s not a one-step process but it will eventually happen. 


Do not expect to go from zero to hundred all of a sudden but every day try to take a step. Self-confidence is an important skill that has to be acquired. There are a lot of “Buts” in our lives that make us look down on ourselves; this could be our height, weight, shape,  stature, body type etc. All these make us feel inferior and look down on ourselves and because we look down our ourselves people trample on us and dehumanize us leaving us shattered and broken.

move, bear, cabinet

Here are a few steps to stop this thread:

  • Identify the obstacle: what are the “ifs” and “buts” that makes you feel less of your self? You do not really have to prove your self to anyone, you know. You owe it to yourself to be the best version of yourself while being happy!!! We all have our imperfections whether we admit it or not, so admit it and correct it.
  • Address the obstacle: See your self differently.  When you see yourself less than you want to be seen, you carry yourself as such (and people see you that way). So, you have to see in your self what others have failed to see in you. There are a lot of people telling us we are not good enough. yeah, we get it. Choose to see yourself differently no matter what other people say. “I know I’m a short girl…. deal with it”.
  • Imagine what your life will look like without the obstacles: Visualize the life you have always dreamt of and do not be afraid to live it. Do not let whatever seem as an obstacle stop you from living the life you want to live; trust me it is not going to be easy but chose to live your best life while you can. Do not let anything deprive you of that!!! I was too afraid to stand on a stage to talk but I had always wanted to be a public speaker plus my chosen career also demands that, so I did not let my obstacle stop me. I knew my problem was standing in front of many people so I started small with my siblings, family, my classmates, and my local church and I noticed I got better. I kept pushing my self irrespective of what people say. I took the corrections and left the negative energy behind


live your dream, motivation, incentive
  • Repetition and Persistence: When you speak in public a lot, you might still have stage fright but doing it frequently will fine-tune your skills, making you better and more comfortable. You cannot overcome any obstacle by running (why are you running?🤣🤣). I was scared of speaking in public but I got to watch my mom get more comfortable as she spoke. I asked her what her secret was, I asked her if she was ever scared; she said yes but with repetition, she got better. I learned from it. Now I won’t say I do not get stage fright but I am getting more comfortable speaking in a crowd and guess what? I grab whatever opportunity I get just to improve

  • Speak to yourself: What are your obstacles and what are your own buts? Do not let them determine how far you will go in life. Keep improving and getting better. You will see that practice will make you perfect. Speak to your inner self, and silence that voice of negativity.


Be the first to believe that you are the best version of yourself and no one else can tell you any less!!!

(29) Comments

  1. Dominica says:

    Well said👍🏽👍🏽

    1. James Akien says:

      Thanks for your weekly encouragement

    2. judith_kanu says:

      Thanks boo🥰

  2. James Akien says:

    Thanks for your weekly encouragement

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Thanks dear for dropping by🤗

  3. Glad i checked in here….

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Thanks for visiting hun🥰🥰

  4. Pst David KanuKingsley says:

    Thanks for this piece.
    It’s a confidence boost medicine.

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Very True.
      Thanks for reading… I appreciate 🥰🥰

  5. Precious says:

    Thank you sir for that talk

    1. judith_kanu says:

      You are welcome… Thanks for reading🤗

  6. Anonymous says:

    thank you diii … great read

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Uwc Mii🥰

  7. Kiki says:

    Thanks for this

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Uwc dear🤗

  8. Interesting says:

    I’m a short girl and everyone is gonna have to deal with it💪💪💪

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Yesss boo!!!🥰

  9. Joseph says:

    Confidence is all we need, we can do all things. Thank you for this beautiful piece.👌

    1. judith_kanu says:

      You are welcome!
      And thanks for coming on board😊🤗

      1. Eddie Williams says:

        Nice. Very informative and enlightening. Thanks for this.

        1. judith_kanu says:

          You are welcome…. thanks for reading 🤗

  10. Tolu says:

    Great read, and practical advice. Thank you… And I’m running towards my goal😂

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Run oh!
      And don’t look back except you are reflecting on your progress😉

  11. Typical!!!
    Well said
    I wish everyone in the world could read this

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Thanks alot for reading… i really appreciate

  12. Henry says:

    Keep Affecting Lives.. Keep them coming🤗🤗

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Thanks Onii🤗

  13. Kanu chika says:

    I am encouraged.i will get better

    1. judith_kanu says:

      Ok dear… thanks for reading😘

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