
10 Ways To Prevent Burnout

Burnout is a state of physical, mental  and emotional fatigue occurring as a result of prolonged emotional, and physical stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed. It is a normal feeling even the best of us can experience it. Most times, we are faced with a heavy workload and short time to accomplish the tasks. We might have to work overtime at jobs and still go home and face the family chores, and other household activities. All these could be tiring and make us feel overwhelmed.

Some researchers say that as few as 7% of professionals have been seriously impacted by burnout. Others have documented rates as high as 50% among medical residents and 85% among financial professionals. About two-thirds of full-time workers are dealing with burnout at some point in their jobs.

Deloitte’s 2015 external workplace well-being survey on burnout found that one-third of employees do not feel comfortable taking vacation time. Also, 91 percent of respondents say having an unmanageable amount of stress or frustration negatively impacts the quality of their work. 83 percent of respondents say that burnout from work can negatively impact their personal relationships.

2013 ComPsych StressPulse survey showed that 62% of people have high stress with extreme fatigue and feeling out of control. 33% of people have constant but manageable stress levels and 5% have a low-stress level.


Burnout → stress→ decreased productivity, missed workdays, breakdown, and you eventually fall ill.

Burnout is associated with some medical conditions such as hypertension, stroke, coronary artery disease, depression, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. There is also a high tendency to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Causes of burn out

  • Excessive workload with little or no support from your colleagues can lead to burnout.
  • Putting in lots of effort without appraisal or recognition for your work can be tough and can make you tire easily.
  • Working under a disorganised system with lack of focus and purpose.
  • Working with people with different visions will make you spend a lot of time explaining which can be stressful.

Some Symptoms include:

  1. Tiredness 
  2. Feeling sick
  3. Headaches or muscle aches.
  4. Changes in your sleeping habits
  5. Alcohol and drug abuse while trying to cope
  6. Feeling frustrated leading to transferred aggression
  7. Lack of motivation
  8. Weak immune system

Ways to prevent burnout

1. Knowing Your Limit.

2.Creating boundaries: 

Knowing when to say “NO” is important to avoid taking up too much responsibilities which might lead to health breakdown.

3. Scheduling Free Time:

An alone time for yourself is very important to enable you rejuvenate. It also allows the brain rest, giving it the ability to function in its full capacity.

4. Changing your environment

Which could include going on a vacation to unwind, traveling or visiting quiet places. This can help you relieve stress and prevent burn out.

5. pursuing your passion

I know most times, we end up going into professions that we are not passionate about. To reduce burnout, do what makes you happy; that way, you will be more efficient.

6. Learning to Manage Stress:

Stress when improperly managed, can lead to burnout. Things like knowing your limit, managing your thoughts, some relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation can help you to manage stress.

7. Eating a balanced diet:

Eating a healthy diet helps you feel good, strong and energetic. It improves your overall health and well being and boosts your mood.

8. try and get enough sleep:

The average amount of sleep recommended by The National Sleep Foundation is: Adults require 7-9 hours, teens require 8-10 hours, children require 9- 13 hours, and toddlers and babies require 12 -17 hours. Also, when you feel tired, take a Nap (for about 20 to 30 minutes) it helps to refresh the brain

9. Exercise:

When you workout, you will have an increase in energy and become more productive. Regular exercise also help you get good sleep.

10. Get help:

Reach out to friends, family, or people you think can help you cope or adjust as needed. If an employee assistance program is available try and utilize the opportunity or see a psychologist or therapist to help.

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  1. Kingsley says:

    Great piece

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