Showing 72 Result(s)

6 Important Communication Skills

Being able to communicate effectively and be properly understood is one of the most essential life skill. With this skill, you are able to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said to you. Good communication skill might look simple to achieve but the major dilemma is in the area of understanding. …


6 Steps To Active listening- Good Listening Skills

Listening is the ability to accurately receive, understand and interpret an information conveyed to you by others. The ability to  listen attentively is very important to prevent misinterpretation. It is a very important skill you can have. It plays a vital role in the result we produce at work and other sectors of life and in …



When we talk about success, a lot of us have different things that we categorize as success. It could be financial, marital, academic or  even emotional. It could also be things as simple as achieving our goals, mental wellness, happiness, winning awards, etc. As we climb the ladder of success, we develop some habits that …